Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to add animation text in your blog

Bagaimana cara untuk menambahkan text animasi ke dalam blog blogspot anda.

How to add animation text in your blog

D'you see my blog?? yapz,, a lot of animation text there. looks interest right :)
D'you want your blog have one too??
it's simple and easy way to do it. I will explain it step by step. This is the step:

1. Go to this web:
2. choose your favorite
3. follow step in that page
4. copy your HTML code
5. Go to your blog > desain > add gadget > choose html/script
6. copy your HTML code, then save

Voilla! your get your animation text now ^.^/

Kurang lebih terjemahan postingan saya tentang Bagaimana cara untuk menambahkan text animasi ke dalam blog blogspot anda tersebut begini:

Banyak hal menarik dalam dunia blog, mulai dari posting beserta tipsdan triknya, promosi beserta kiat-kiatnya, termasuk juga bagaimana cara agar tampilan atau view blog dapat semenarik mungkin agar pengunjung senang dan tidak terkesan jenuh untuk berkunjung dan berkunjung lagi ke blog kita. Pengunjung yang dalam istilah marketingnya "terpuaskan" oleh blog, tentu akan dengan senang hati berkunjung lagi di lain waktu bahkan mungkin merekomendasikan blog kita kepada temannya untuk dikunjungi. So, tampilan blog yang menarik juga adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan penginjung blog kita. Bahkan blog berita pun harus memperhatikan aspek ini.

Salah satu cara untuk memperindah tampilan blog anda adalah dengan cara menambahkan text animasi atau text yang dapat bergerak di dalam blog sehingga tampilan tidak terkesan monoton. Berikut ini akan saya ulas sebuah cara tentang Bagaimana cara untuk menambahkan text animasi ke dalam blog blogspot anda.

Pertama, kunjungilah situs berikut ini
Di sana anda akan menemukan banyak pilihan tentang bentuk, warna, ukuran dan lain sebagainya dari text animasi. Pilihlah yang menurut anda menarik.

kedua, ikuti langkah-langkah yang diberikan dalam situs tersebut. Jika anda mengikuti langkah-langkah tersebut dengan benar, maka akan muncul text html. Copy lah kode html tersebut.

Selanjutnya, kembalilah ke dashboard blog anda, lalu pilih menu design (tampilan) / layout (tata letak), terus add widget, pilih yang html/script. Paste kan kode html yang anda copy tadi, klik save (simpan). Jangan lupa juga untuk klik save pengaturan tampilan.

Terakhir coba buka blog anda atau dengan cara reload. Tadaaa,,, ada sesuatu yang munul disana kan (jika anda mengikuti tentang Bagaimana cara untuk menambahkan text animasi ke dalam blog blogspot anda dengan benar).

Demikianlah posting saya kali ini tentang cara Bagaimana cara untuk menambahkan text animasi ke dalam blog blogspot anda. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Download Game Naruto 1 (Free Download)

Download Game Naruto 1 (Free Download).

Yapz, siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan tokoh anime yang satu ini??

Naruto Uzumaki adalah tokoh utama sekaligus sebagai main title dari seri anime ini. Kisah yang bercerita tentang dunia para shinoba ninja dari berbagai desa / wilayah. Saya sendiri sangat suka dengan film ini, terutama yang versi Naruto the Movie. Saat ini saya sudah punya 6 movie. sebenarnya ingin juga koleksi yang series, tapi ukurannya itu lho bergiga-giga ckckcckck :D

Bicara tentang Naruto, kali ini saya ingin share sedikit tentang game PC Naruto yang dapat anda download secara gratis. Di dalam game ini lebih bergenre battle antar character yang ada di serialnya. Siapa character favorite anda?? kalo saya adalah Kakashi, guru naruto. Soalnya dia terlihat woles dengan gaya agak malasnya itu hehe..

Buat yang mau Download Game Naruto 1 (Free Download) ini, silahkan masuk ke link berikut 

tunggu 5 detik hingga muncul tulisan skip ads di pojok kanan atas. lalu klik.

Demikian posting saya kali ini tentang Download Game Naruto 1 (Free Download). Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat bermain ^,^/

For English version, check it out!

D'you know who is Naruto-kun?? Yapz, he is one of main character in anime NARUTO. He has a best friend, his name is Sasuke Uchiha from Uciha Clan, with The eye of sharinggan which one of 3 strongest eyes mode. and many friends he have.

Download Game Naruto 1 (Free Download)
With more jutsu, you will like this game. Naiteki Kensei is a free total conversion of Half-Life 1 that offers a unique fast-paced experience based on the hit Japanese anime Naruto. Players are able to compete online using a system that combines aspects of a third-person shooter and an action-based fighter to provide a new thrilling experience. The system includes casting clever and powerful Jutsus, stringing together Melee combos, evasive acrobatic free-form Movement, and utilizing an array of Weapons with multiple functions all seamlessly.

To download this game, click

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Download City Hunter Korean Drama Soundtrack Gratis

Download City Hunter Korean Drama Soundtrack Gratis.

D'you know 'City Hunter' korean drama?? That is one of popular korean drama on this years. With cool actor Lee Min Ho as Lee Yoon-sung and beautiful actrist Park Min Young as Kim Na-Na. So action,, and so romantic,, This is the review of City Hunter,,

Download City Hunter Korean Drama Soundtrack Gratis

City Hunter is a Korean drama adaptation of Tsukasa Hojo Japanese manga masterpiece drama korea city hunter but also diangakat on the big screen with Jackie Chan as the star, and in the Korean drama produced in 2011, City Hunter would be present on the screen Indonesia.

In the Korean drama that starred Lee Min-ho is a little story along so that the city fox hunter in the Korean drama version is slightly different from the real story . in City hunter version of the story is narrated in the Korean drama City Hunter character who wants revenge to people who had destroyed the central his family.He destroyed in this city hunter named Lee Yoon-sung is in played by Lee Min-ho story had begun before he was born. The story is begun than 27 years ago when Park Moo-yul, who is nothing but the father of Lee Yoon-sung along with Korea's elite troops who died were killed by special forces of the country to cover the five secrets of rotten politicians. And the only survivor of that act is Park, Lee Jin-pyo and he resolved to take revenge on the five politicians who have betrayed the elite.

for such a fine finish, Jin-Pyo Lee accidentally kidnap-sung Yoon newborn from his mother then he feeds on, and there Mt. Thailand Jin-pyo into drug kingpin. In the synopsis of this city hunter Jin-pyo who is adoptive father Yoon-sung to educate children adopted by this hard-sung Yoon intended to form the tough guy in a gun battle with or without weapons. Not not only that, Yoon-sung also sent to MIT in the U.S. to study information technology in which it aims to reply to a fine action after. After back in korea Lee Yoon-sung passed into one of the IT team the Blue House (Korean presidential palace ). And he deliberately used his position to carry out acts of revenge to the fifth politician.

Although Previous Lee Yoon-sung has warned his godfather, so as not to fall in love with a woman is a fine return to action will go smoothly, but Lee Yoon-sung finally fell in love with Kim Na-Na (Park Min-young) who is also the guardian of the Blue House. That's a little synopsis of city hunter Korean drama version which will soon appear on Indosiar from 15-Feb-2012 and aired from Monday - Friday at 16.30 pm, and continue to see how an act of revenge Lee Yoon-sung and subsequent action by Kim Na-percintaanya Na please just look at their action in the latest Korean drama series entitled Indosiar this city hunter.

This is two soundtrack of  City Hunter:

Download Aplikasi Photo Filtre Gratis (Photo Editor)

Download Aplikasi Photo Filtre Gratis

Download Aplikasi Photo Filtre Gratis

Apakah anda suka dengan desain-desain gambar editing?? apakah anda tahu sebuah aplikasi edit gambar yang bernama Photoshop?? yapz itu adalah salah satu software photo editor yang paling sering digunakan dalam dunia editing gambar saat ini. Saya sendiri pernah menggunakannya beberapa saat.

Photoshop memang memiliki nilai lebih dalam dunia editing, khususnya editing profesional. Namun bagi saya, photoshop memiliki sebuah kekurangan, yaitu ukuran aplikasi ini yang terlalu besar untuk diinstal. Terkadang aplikasi yang seperti ini akan memperlambat kinerja komputer kita. Oleh karena itu, saya beralih ke software edit photo lainnya yang bernama Photo Filtre.

Photo filtre hampir sama dengan photoshop dalam hal fasilitas yang ditawarkan. Mulai dari efek, tools, pewarnaan, dan sebagainya. Bahkan menurut saya ini lebih baik dari Photoshop sendiri.

Bagi anda yang ingin menggunakan applikasi ini, silahkan Download Aplikasi Photo Filtre Gratis ini di >>

Demikian posting saya kali ini tentang Download Aplikasi Photo Filtre Gratis (Photo Editor). Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat berkreasi.

This is English sections
Do you know how to make picture more beautiful and amazing?? yapz,  of course with picture editor. Photofiltre in one of photo editor that you can get free. Editing pictures seems so easy with this application. You can edit your picture quickly. With many simple menu and more effect that you want, you will not be dissapointed. And,, voila!! you get your beautiful picture now.
To get this application, click at

Sunday, March 11, 2012

How To Change Your Blog's Tempelate

How To Change Your Blog's Tempelate. 

Blogging is one of popular activities in this time. Many people want to desain their blog to be the most beautiful and cool blog. And to be a popular blog, you must to manage your blog's tempelate. D'you know how to do that? This is the way,,

Bagaimana merubah tampilan blog anda di blogspot

1. Download your favorite blog's tempelate, you can search it at
2. Extract the file
3. Go to your blog > desain > edit HTML
4. Browse your tempelate location, then Upload
5. Don't forget to save tempelate
6. Refresh your blog, that's your New Blog  ^.^

Ehm,, ada yang paham bahasa inggris percobaan saya di atas tentang Bagaimana merubah tampilan blog anda di blogspot yang saya tulis di atas?? Maaf jika masih kurang bagus tata bahasanya. Berikut akan saya jelaskan dalam bahasa indonesia.

Blogging adalah salah satu aktivitas populer saat ini. Kebanyakan orang ingin mendesain blog mereka menjadi blog yang keren dan indah. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu, disarankan anda untuk mengatur tempelate atau tampilan dari blog anda sendiri. Apakah anda ingin tahu bagaimana caranya?? berikut saya sampaikan.

Berikut langkah-langkah Bagaimana merubah tampilan blog anda di blogspot:
1. Download lah tempelate (theme) blog yang anda inginkan. Anda juga bisa mencarinya di atau di website
2. setelah selesai anda download, biasanya file akan berbentuk rar atau zip, extract lah dengan menggunakan winrar. akan ada file dengan extensi XML
3. Masuk ke blog anda dengan login di blogspot , lalu ke menu Tempelate (Tampilan), terus edit HTML
4. Klik browse dan cari file XML tadi. Saya sarankan sebelumnya untuk menyimpan tempelate blog anda sebelumnya.
5. Setelah selesai, reload blog anda, dan nikmatilah tampilan barunya.

Nb: terkadang perlu ada penyesuaian widget dari theme yang lama ke yang baru. Edit lah di enu tata letak atau layout.

Sekian sedikit penjelasan sederhana saya tentang Bagaimana merubah tampilan blog anda di blogspot. Semoga bermanfaat..

How To Makes Danbo's Doll

How To Makes Danbo's Doll

How To Makes Danbo's Doll.

Surely you already know what Danbo doll. Dolls made ​​of only cardboard and make a very unique look would fall in love with the box-headed doll. But if you buy the price, papercraft usually offered very expensive. Therefore, if we can make your own, why should you buy? Here's how to make:

tools needed:
A. paper carton
2. pencil
3. ruler
4. scissors
5. glue

Here's the pattern:
How To Makes Danbo's Doll
Patern 1
How To Makes Danbo's Doll
Patern 2

Here are the steps to make it:

1. Pattern 1 to the head 
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

2. No. 16 as a hands on Danbo.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

3. No. 03 with glue at No 16.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

4. No. 06 to make parts such as tubes, as the hinge on the hard hand and Danbo No. 07 for the cover. After that, to put hinges on the use of star patterns. 09
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

5. In addition to combining the hand with the hinge point.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

6. No. 8 as Danbo body.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

7. Such interference into the hands of Danbo agency.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

8. Make a tube from the stars. 15, in a closed loop in the tube is used. 14. Kemundian combine tube with star pattern. 13. It is the hinge on the head.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

9. Combining No. 12 with the head of the hinge pattern.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

10. Glue the head of the hinge at the agency Danbo.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

11. Glue head to head hinges.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

12. No. 2 as the legs of Danbo.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

13. Make a hinge on the foot with a pattern of stars forming a tube. 17, with a close circle of stars. 5. Combining the two legs with hinges.
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

14. Combine with the body
How To Makes Danbo's Doll

15. Danbo dolls have become yours.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My First Post

Hai,, This is my 1st post in blogger. I join blogger because it seems interesting and have some challenge for me. I hope my blog be one of your favorites blogs.
That's all for now. Next time, I'll start post interest info for you. So, don't miss it. See yapz ma friendz ^.^ /